

QMix | Wireless Aux-Mix Control for iPhone® and iPod touch®

Your personal monitoring system is in your pocket.You love mixing but are tired of bands complaining about their monitor mixes. Or you’re in the band, and the sound person never gets your monitors right. You’d like a personal-monitoring system but can’t afford it and don’t want the wiring hassles. Problem solved! If you have a (first-generation) StudioLive® 16.0.2, 16.4.2, or 24.4.2 mixer, your new onstage personal monitoring system is probably in your pocket. With free PreSonus® QMix® software, up to 10 musicians can simultaneously control the mixer’s monitor (aux) mixes using an iPhone® or iPod® touch. And you don’t have to be a technical wizard to use it.Personal monitor mixing without the cost and complication.Do the math: Personal monitor-mixing systems run between $200 and $700 per person and require lots of connections. In contrast, even if you don’t own an iPhone, a used 3G or 4G iPod touch can run you as little as $125. And unlike expensive personal-monitor systems, you don’t need to run hundreds of feet of audio cables: QMix controls the monitor aux mixes on your StudioLive mixer over a wireless network.Easy to set up and use.QMix is incredibly easy to set up and use. As long as you’re within Wi-Fi range of your StudioLive mixer, you’re in control. Goodbye, wiring hassles! Setup is quick and easy, and you don’t need to enter IP addresses or subnet masks or even know what those are. Once connected to the network, each musician can quickly and easily create an aux mix that includes all mixer channels. We made it all as easy as possible so the musicians can focus on performing.Learn more about how QMix enables custom personal monitor mixing.Safe, sane, and secure.Powerful networking and wireless remote control is great—but what if you’re using QMix and someone tries to hack into your Wi-Fi system and take control of your monitors? That guitarist you fired would totally do that to you. Even if you forgot to change the router password, you can put the kibosh on that rogue, thanks to the StudioLive mixer’s security features! Mixing personal monitors with QMix is yet another way that StudioLive mixers make your gigs easier, better, and more enjoyable.
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Fat Channel Collection | Fresh Sounds for StudioLive Series III Mixers

PreSonus Fat Channel plug-ins are state-space modeled by world-class engineers with Ph.D.’s in analog signal processing to faithfully produce the sound and response of the original hardware processors. Now you can have a wide variety of fresh DSP for live and studio sound. No other mixer anywhere near this price class has expandable processing—only PreSonus StudioLive Series III.
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Pearl艺术家Omar Hakim签名军鼓

Pearl与艺术家Omar Hakim(奥马尔·哈基姆)合作的签名军鼓,采用13x5的“力量短笛”军鼓尺寸,鼓腔材质为6层非洲桃花心木,其尺寸减小了直径并扩展了深度,有助于融合声音力量、投射和音调色彩。
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Studio One 6 Professional Upgrade from Professional or Producer - all versions

Studio One 6通过直观的拖放工作流程、新的智能模板、可定制的用户界面以及用于端到端制作的强大集成工具,使创作变得快速而简单。 
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Studio One 6 Professional Upgrade from Artist - all versions

Studio One 6通过直观的拖放工作流程、新的智能模板、可定制的用户界面以及用于端到端制作的强大集成工具,使创作变得快速而简单。
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Studio One 6 Crossgrade

如果你已经拥有其他平台的DAW,但想切换到PreSonus简单直观的录音软件,Studio One Crossgrade就为你而生。
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Studio One 6 Artist Upgrade from Artist - all versions

Studio One 6通过直观的拖放工作流程、新的智能模板、可定制的用户界面以及用于端到端制作的强大集成工具,使创作变得快速而简单。
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多路输出为了混音过程中有更多的灵活线路选择,SamplitudePro X2 可以使你轻易的增加或移除额外的输出通道,你也可以在某一轨上选择停用输出功能。插件路由更多的制作控制:你可以根据自己的需要整...
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